Kitchen Cabinets_Episode 7 | Problem Solved…Sort Of, but Not Really!

We wait and we wait and we wait on the paint to dry and as it dries, it bleed…UGH!  We have a good coat of oil-based primer on everything, so I am not sure why it is bleeding, but I popped right into Sherwin Williams and explained what was happening.  He said what we used is the strongest thing on the market.  Click play to see how it worked.

So it worked really well…until it didn’t.  Crazy how the back side of the doors look fine and the shelves are fine, but the front of the doors are not.  As you heard, I have since gone back to Sherwin Williams for two more cans of the shellac hoping that I just didn’t get the front of the doors covered well enough.  I’ll spray them…let them sit…and put coat #4 on the front side of the doors.  I figure I have come too far to not make sure they look good before we hang them.

WHAT DID WE USE:  With our little hiccup comes a new product that we used and that was Shillac from Sherwin Willams.  It’s a spray can, which I am so grateful for because I did not want to have to brush or roll this one.  The guy at the store said this is was professional restoration companies use after fires and floods…it’s that good.  Well, it was that good on one side, but not so much the other.  Maybe that’s user error??  We’ll see soon enough.

WHAT DID WE LEARN:  Patience!  They say practice makes perfect, right?  If so, I am definitely getting my patience quota in for the quarter.  Also, hiccups happen right up until the end.  Just when I thought we were done and had a plan for getting all our additional materials, we were thrown a curve ball.  As much as I want my kitchen…AND GARAGE!…back, I’ve just got to remember how much better it will look without bleed through marks than with.


Cross your fingers that all goes with with round 4 of the cabinet doors and we can get these hung up so you can see the final project!  Wanna catch up on how we got to this point?  Visit our You Tube Channel for previous #RealtorRehab episode.  

EDIT: I got the second coat of shellac on the cabinet doors and then another coat of paint and here are the results:

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